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Archway Creative Enterprise Zone

Archway has been accredited a Creative Enterprise Zone by the Mayor of London. Find out more about how we are working to support creativity to thrive in Islington.

The Archway Creative Enterprise Zone, part of a wider programme from the Mayor of London, supports creative talent in Archway by:

  • connecting communities
  • assisting local people into opportunities in creative careers
  • supporting existing and emerging arts and creative businesses
  • developing affordable creative workspaces.

What the Creative Enterprise Zone will do for Archway

  • Mapping the zone: Map all creative businesses, workspaces and spaces in the area, using this data to better understand and support the local creative economy.
  • Training and skills: Provide a range of training opportunities including skills fairs, training programmes and work placements for Islington residents looking to break into creative careers.
  • Directory: Build a public directory of creatives in the CEZ, to improve visibility, drive up traffic and strengthen networks.
  • Business support: Create a programme of business support to ensure that the local creative economy continues to thrive.
  • Space: Protect existing and increase new affordable workspace to help new creative businesses flourish.
  • Showcase: Create opportunities to highlight local talent through events.

Archway Creatives

Archway Creatives is a free network for Islington creatives looking to connect, collaborate and innovate with others. If you are an artist, maker or creative business based in or around the CEZ, we invite you to be part of Islington's creative community.

Fill in your details and we’ll contact you about business opportunities and networking events.

Sign up now

Contact us

Residents, artists, community groups and businesses can email for more information and to share updates.

We also want to hear from anyone interested in joining a creative network with meetings to be hosted in Archway.

Subscribe to our general business bulletin for the latest updates and opportunities.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.