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Converting a civil partnership into a marriage

You may be able to covert your civil partnership conducted according to English and Welsh law to a marriage at a Register Office in England and Wales.

Who can have their civil partnership converted?

Any same-sex couple who are in a civil partnership are able to convert their relationship to a marriage if they choose to.

You cannot convert an opposite-sex civil partnership to a marriage in England and Wales.

What happens at a civil partnership conversion? 

You’ll need to sign a ‘conversion into marriage’ declaration, in person, at a register office and you also have the option to book a ceremony. Even if you didn’t have your civil partnership in Islington, you can still come to Islington for your conversion.

How much will it cost?

  • £12.50 for a marriage certificate
  • £50 to convert your civil partnership, if you choose not to have a ceremony
  • £30 each for an appointment, if you have a ceremony. The venue fee will be on top of this. For fees for approved venues please see our current fees.

If you would like to convert your civil partnership (without a ceremony)

Make an appointment with the Superintendent Registrar by emailing

You'll need to bring proof of identity, address and your civil partnership certificate. 

You and your partner and the registrar will need to sign the declaration at the register office.

The conversion will then be registered and a marriage certificate issued.

If you would like to have a ceremony

You must both attend an appointment, in person, at a register office first, even if you choose to sign the declaration at the location where you have your ceremony.

Make an appointment with the Superintendent Registrar by emailing

You'll need to bring proof of identity, address and your civil partnership certificate.

You can choose to sign the declaration at the Register Office or on a separate occasion, at an approved venue or a religious building which has been registered for the marriage of same sex couples. If you do this, a Superintendent Registrar will be required to attend and a fee will be charged.

Once you have signed the declaration the conversion will be registered and a marriage certificate issued.