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Refugee resettlement support offer from voluntary sector partners

We are passionately committed to ensuring that refugees and asylum seekers – such as from Afghanistan and Ukraine – are given a warm welcome into our community while protecting the needs and rights of all, and promoting community cohesion. 

These groups are often viewed through the lens of the trauma and suffering they have endured in their home countries and on their journeys to the UK, but we must never lose sight of the fact that refugees and asylum seekers also bring with them a desire to contribute to their new home. The council has a key role, in partnership with others, to break down the barriers that asylum seekers and refugees face in integration into the community.

We aim to support our new residents as part of our mission to create a more equal Islington. If you would like to help, find out how you can help refugees and migrants.

If you might be able to offer a home to a refugee family, please get in touch with us via Donations can be made to charity.

Afghanistan resettlement support

British nationals

If you are a British national, or family member of a British national in Afghanistan, call +44 1908 516 666 (or 01908 516 666 in the UK) and select the option ‘Consular services for British nationals'

Non-British nationals

Humanitarian support

If you have fled from Afghanistan to another country looking for humanitarian support, and are seeking resettlement to the UK, you should not make a visa application.

The UK government has announced a new Afghan Citizens’ Resettlement Scheme, which will allow Afghans particularly at risk, including women, girls and children, to resettle in the UK. Further details on the scheme will be updated on the Afghan citizens’ resettlement scheme page. Please check back regularly.

Visa applications

Afghan nationals need to apply for a visa to come to the UK to study, work, visit or join family. There is currently no Visa Application Centre (VAC) operating in Afghanistan. If you are in Afghanistan and wish to make a UK visa application, you will normally have to submit your biometric information (fingerprints and photograph) in a VAC in a third country to complete your application. You can view updates on foreign travel advice for Afghanistan on GOV.UK.

You can also view travel advice for countries bordering Afghanistan if you plan to travel to or via any of them. All travel throughout Afghanistan is extremely dangerous, and border crossings may not be open. You should shelter in a safe location and move towards a departure point only if and when you judge it is safe to do so. 


The Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP) is for locally employed staff who have supported British efforts in Afghanistan, for example interpreters and other personnel. View further details on ARAP.  Helpline: If you are a non-British national in Afghanistan, or are the family member of a non-British national in Afghanistan, and in need of assistance, call +44 2475 389 980 (or 02475 389 980 in the UK). 

This helpline provides information and support on the UK’s evacuation efforts, as well as general information about the relocation schemes. It is not for registering interest for the scheme. Please continue checking back on the Afghan citizens’ resettlement scheme page for updated details of the scheme. 

Useful contacts


Emotional needs/therapy

  • KMEWO. Domestic violence advocacy support , specialist multi-lingual counselling service and wellbeing workshops. Contact Gona Saed on 07900097086 or via email
  • Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster Coordinated London response: - Befriending volunteers . Contact 020 7798 9009 or email
  • Jannaty Women's Social Society. We have 15 Pashto and Dari speaking volunteers and would like to offer a welcome event with local women and families to create a support network. We can also offer counselling and coaching sessions all of which is free. Contact Majida Sayam on 07852178141 or via email
  • Manor Gardens Welfare Trust. Wellbeing work - mental wellbeing activities and support etc. We could support with visiting them at the hotel and carrying out assessments of need etc. Contact Alex Britten on 07483175255 or via email
  • One True Voice. Wellbeing work. Contact Asha Abdi on 02079 985746 or via email
  • Middle Eastern Women and Society Organisation (MEWSO). We have workshops for Farsi speaking women, counselling in Farsi/Dari. Contact Rose Fatherazi on 07579801366 or via
  • Insaan culture club. Wellbeing work. Contact Yasmin whittaker-khan on 07931738658 or via email
  • Caritas Westminster. Wellbeing work - Befriending volunteers Resettlement Support Planning. Contact Minet Masho on 07525812513 or via email
  • Jannaty Women's Social Society. We have 15 Pashto and Dari speaking volunteers and would like to offer a welcome event with local women and families to create a support network. We can also offer counselling and coaching sessions all of which is free. Contact Majida Sayam contact 07852178141 or via email
  • Afghan Welcome. We have trained volunteers who can conduct a detailed needs assessment which prioritises mothers and children under 6. Contact Emily Holden on 07563989543 or via email
  • St Mary’s Hornsey Rise. Wellbeing work. Contact Jackie Barnes on 02079162710 or via email
  • Nafsiyat. Nafsiyat is an intercultural therapy centre. Contact 020 7263 6947 or email

Language support and translations

  • ESOLRoman Catholic Diocese of Westminster - Coordinated London response. Farsi, Dari & Pashtu speakers, ESOL. Contact 020 7798 9009 or email
  • KMEWO. ESOL Classes. Contact Gona Saed on 07900097086 or email
  • Manor Gardens. ESOL. Contact Lina Mani on 07484066893 or email
  • Caritas Westminster. ESOL Classes, conversational English - Response from our network could include: Farsi, Dari & Pashtu speakers. Contact Minet Masho on 07525812513 or via email
  • Jannaty Women's Social Society. We have 15 Pashto and Dari speaking volunteers and would like to offer a welcome event with local women and families to create a support network. We can also offer counselling and coaching sessions all of which is free. Contact Majida Sayam on 07852178141 or via email
  • Afghan Welcome. ESOL classes/conversational English; Practical. Contact Emily Holden on 07563989543 or email

Advice and advocacy

Financial aid and support

  • KMEWO. Emergency vouchers for essentials for destitute migrant families in Islington. Contact Gona Saed on 07900097086 or via email
  • Manor Gardens Welfare Trust. Practical support with opening a bank account, income, finance.
  • Islington Law Centre. Welfare Benefits, Housing, Debt and Immigration Advice. Contact Stuart Hearne on 0207 288 7630 or via email or
  • Cloudesley (Individual Grants). Cloudesley provide block grants to partner organisations to give individual crisis grants for a range of needs, including food, clothing, white goods and travel. Partner organisations make their own assessments and allocations of funds. This includes LBI RSS who have a fund specifically for residents with no recourse to public funds. A full list of partners can be found on our website. Residents should not contact Cloudesley directly about this fund. Contact Kevin Turner on 020 76974201.
  • Manor Gardens Welfare Trust. Support opening bank accounts. Contact Lina Mani on 07484066893 or email
  • Caritas Westminster. Support opening bank accounts, general finance. Minet Masho on 07525812513 or via email
  • St Mary’s Hornsey Rise. Practical support with opening a bank account, income, finance. Contact Jackie Barnes on 02079162710 or email

Employment support

  • KMEWO. Employability support. Contact Gona Saed on 07900097086 or via email
  • Caritas Westminster. Employability support. Contact Minet Masho on 07525812513 or via email
  • St Lukes Community Centre. Employability support - for adults seeking support into employment including skills training, interview training, job search and form filling. We also have an IT training programme, PC Pals, for those who are digitally excluded. Contact Keren Wiltshire on 020 7549 8181 or via
  • Afghan Welcome. Employability support. Contact Emily Holden on 07563989543 or via email 


Clothes and toys

  • Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster - Coordinated London response. Contact 020 7798 9009 or email
  • Caritas Westminster. Clothes and home items. Contact Minet Masho on 07525812513 or email
  • Jannaty Women's Social Society. Our charity shop can offer: ethnic clothing, baby clothes, toys, books, jewellery, underwear, car seats, moses baskets, shoes, bags etc. Contact Majida Sayam on 07852178141or via email
  • Afghan Welcome. Can source clothes, baby equipment, prams and cots. Contact Emily Holden on 07563989543 or email
  • MerryGoRound. We collect donations of pre-loved clothes, shoes and books to gift for free to local children in need in London. Visit or email on

Places to go and getting to know the borough

Tech and item support

  • Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster - Coordinated London response: laptops. Contact 020 7798 9009 or email
  • KMEWO. Digital inclusion project (including provision of digital devices). Contact Gona Saed on 07900097086 or email
  • Middle Eastern Women and Society Organisation (MEWSO). Donate sim cards. Contact Rose Fatherazi on 07579801366 or email
  • Caritas Westminster. Provides laptops. Contact Minet Masho

Other support

  • One True Voice. Islington resident needs support to bring their families over to the UK. Contact Asha Abdi on 0207 9985746 or email
  • St Lukes community centre. Venue for Welcome to Islington even. Our community centre has large and friendly spaces and we would be pleased to host a 'welcome to Islington' event enabling families to meet other providers with fun and relaxing activities for both adults and children. Contact Keren Wiltshire on 020 7549 8181 or email
  • Network of Finsbury Park women's organisations. Some of our groups offer advice on benefits, housing, etc. as well as friendship and social activities for new arrivals. The Andover hub would like to organise collections of goods that new arrivals might need. OTV and others are hearing from families settled in the Borough who have relatives in Afghanistan - we've put them in touch with their MPs but they also need more general information and support. Contact Ruth Clarke
  • Street Storage. Storage for suitcases, clothing, small household items and documentation (no white goods, furniture or mattresses). Contact Caroline Allouf on 07932 830 440 or email
  • Afghan Support. We are running a range of welcome programmes including cricket matches, cafes, mums and toddlers groups, skills to work training. All based on what the Afghan new arrivals would like. Community support-getting to know the borough, meeting people. Contact Emily Holden on 07563989543 or email
  • St George's Church, Tufnell Park. Members of our church would like to offer a warm welcome to families moving into the borough - helping with orientation - offering meals, hospitality, befriending etc. Also if there are material needs, then we would like to help too. Contact Alexandra Lilley on 07986433658 or email
  • City of London Academy Highbury Grove. Offering the support of the school in raising some form of donations for refugee families. Contact James Cameron on 07748677897 or email
  • Unity Project. Anyone with leave to remain who wants to make a Change of Conditions application. Contact Caz Hattam
  • Age UK Islington. Age UK Islington can provide advice and support for adults in Islington of all ages (16 yrs+) with anything from money and housing worries to practical, emotional and health support. We also have a range of social activities and support groups. We are also enabling people to access support with health issues as our SPLWs and Navigators are linked with Primary Care. Please get in touch with our Helpline on 020 7281 6018. Contact Katie Skea on 020 7281 6018 or email

Ukrainian settlement support for VCS partners

Visit our information for Ukrainian nationals page for resources that are available to Ukrainian refugees in Islington and around London.

Useful contacts


Friends and partners

  • Age UK Islington - Age UK Islington can provide advice and support for adults in Islington of all ages (16 yrs+) with anything from money and housing worries to practical, emotional and health support. We also have a range of social activities and support groups. We are also enabling people to access support with health issues as our SPLWs and Navigators are linked with Primary Care. Please contact our helpline on 020 7281 6018. Contact Katie Skea or Torps Boukens on 020 7281 6018 or email
  • Caxton House - A community centre that can provide community support. getting to know the borough, meeting people, various activities. There is support for children through homework clubs, youth clubs etc. There is employability support and signposting to a range of other activities and services. Please contact Paul Furze on 020 7263 3151 or email
  • Chabad Lubavitch of Islington CIO - Community support -getting to know the borough, meeting people, activities etc. Specifically for those people with Jewish background can receive support from our organisation. Please contact Rabbi Mendy Korer  on 020 7700 6974 or email
  • Citizens Advice Bureau Islington - Contact Jeanette Daly Mathias on 0808 278 7836 via email
  • Claremont Project - We provide mental health/trauma-informed support. We can offer support for older people, especially in building new social connections. We also offer our low cost psychotherapy service. Please contact the main telephone number on 020 7689 8091 or email Lucien Paul Stanfield at
  • Cloudesley (Individual Grants) - Cloudesley provide block grants to partner organisations to give individual crisis grants for a range of needs, including food, clothing, white goods and travel. Partner organisations make their own assessments and allocations of funds. This includes LBI RSS who have a fund specifically for residents with no recourse to public funds. A full list of partners can be found on our website. Residents should not contact Cloudesley directly about this fund. Contact Kevin Turner on 020 7697 4201.
  • HealthProm - Provision of ESOL classes/conversational English/translation services. Community support, getting to know the borough, meeting people and more. HealthProm also run online and offline English classes, a job club, information sessions and a mental health support group. More information is on the HealthProm Facebook page (mostly in Ukrainian). Contact Tanya Buynovskaya on 07732 286 527 or email
  • Help on Your Doorstep - Practical support with opening a bank account, applying for benefits, registering with a GP etc. Community support, getting to know the borough, meeting people, activities etc. and service navigation. Please contact Gill Carter on '07955 438 933 or email
  • Highbury Vale Blackstock Trust / Elizabeth House Community Centre - This provides community support - getting to know the borough, meeting people, activities etc. There is support for children via homework clubs, youth clubs etc. Employability support. A Food Hub runs once a week for those experiencing food insecurity. Please contact Roshni Shah / Iqbal Ali on 020 7690 1300 or email
  • Hilldrop Area Community Association - Hilldrop provides community support and offer this to all residents in St George's ward. We have a regular lunch club and social on Tuesday 12-2pm and a gardening group on Thursdays 12-2pm. Other events and activities can be found on our website. We can also offer community space to any support groups who would like to meet or run an activity. Please contact Elaine Maffrett on 020 7607 9453 or email
  • Homes for Ukraine Tufnell Park - We are a mutual aid group for hosts, prospective hosts, volunteers, and newly arrived Ukrainians in Tufnell Park. We share information, questions, resources, and support. We are building a co-ordinated community welcome for Ukrainians in Tufnell Park. Please contact Tamara Joseph on 07968 497 860. Alternatively, you can email
  • Hornsey Lane Estate Community Association - We provide community support including one-to-one support for accessing benefits, registering with a GP, opening a bank account, looking for work etc. We usually have student social workers on placement that can support further where needed. We have community space for groups or family needing a place to meet or use IT etc. Children can access our childcare services and we can support with accessing financial help for childcare. Please contact Irene Winter on 07377 000 510 or email
  • Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants - Practical support with opening a bank account, applying for benefits, registering with a GP, English language lessons and more. People can self-refer to the service. Contact Andy Ruiz Palma on or visit their website.
  • Islington Ecology Centre (Islington Council). Free venue hire, guided walk around the park, join our volunteer gardening sessions. Contact Jo Corrall on 07890 044 808 or email
  • Islington Law Centre - A range of social welfare law advice including welfare rights, housing, debt, immigration, and education. Contact Stuart Hearne on 020 7288 7630 or via email on or
  • Islington Mental Health Core Team - Support to adults around mental health, trauma support, to asylum seekers and those with no recourse to public funds. Core Team has psychiatrists, psychologists, population health nurses, peer coaches and voluntary sector link workers to support with a range of severe mental health illness. Referrals are made via the GP. Contact Philippa Russell on 07890 037 031 or email
  • Islington Mind - Contact Ossi Ron on 020 3301 9850 or email
  • Islington Play Association - Provide support for children through homework clubs, youth clubs etc. This is for children aged 6 and over. Please contact Anita Grant on 020 7607 9637 or email
  • Little Angel Theatre - Provide support for children through homework clubs, youth clubs etc. There is also groups for adults doing embroidery, knitting etc. Please contact Katherine Sturt-Scobie on 07840 399 335 or email
  • Manor Gardens - Offer of practical support with opening a bank account, applying for benefits, registering with a GP etc. ESOL classes/conversational English/translation services, community support, getting to know the borough, meeting people, activities etc. Support for children - homework clubs, youth clubs etc. Mental health/trauma-informed support. Immigration advice. We work directly with Islington People’s Rights and we can signpost clients for further immigration and welfare benefit support. Contact Lina Mani on 07484 066 893 or email
  • Marie Curie - Offer of community support - getting to know the borough, meeting people, activities etc. Mental health/trauma-informed support. Practical support with opening a bank account, applying for benefits, registering with a GP etc. Please contact Cameron Lewis on 07823 425 683 or email
  • North London Cares - We run free social clubs across Camden and Islington connecting older and younger people together. Each month we run over 20 free clubs, some online and some in-person, new ones each month. We would welcome new people. Usually booking needed as sometimes numbers are limited. Contact Judy Hallgarten on 07719 531 364 or email
  • St George's Wellbeing Café - Provision of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes/conversational English/translation services. Community support - getting to know the borough, meeting people. Please contact Pete Hopkins on 07480 153 265 or email
  • Talk for Health - Talk for Health is a programme developed by psychotherapists. It teaches a method for therapeutic talking and enables people to set up and/or participate in ongoing groups. The groups support both your own wellbeing and others'. The programme is facilitated in English. Please contact Beatriz on 020 3409 3201 or email
  • Walking for Wellbeing - This programme offers group walks and buddy walks in the community. The group walks are a good opportunity to meet new people and enjoy being outside in the fresh air and getting to know the area. Buddy walks are one to one walks and we need both volunteers and participants. The contact person is Susan Aykroyd who you can reach on 07985 156 876 or email her on
  • Wesley's Chapel and Leysian Mission - The Welcome Place programme is designed for Ukrainians but open to anyone, offering community support, support for children, practical support with opening a bank account, applying for benefits, and registering with a GP. Contact Erick Hunter on 07359 329 702, email or visit the Wesley's Chapel website.  
  • Whittington Park Community Centre - Provides community support - getting to know the borough, meeting people, activities etc. Support for children - homework clubs, youth clubs etc. There is a possibility of a dedicated stay-and-play once a week if there is sufficient support and interest. All families welcome to our existing under 5's parents and carers drop-in. For further information please contact Ann Mason on 020 7272 1847 or email
  • Yes Outdoors - Two local charities, Islington Giving and Yes Outdoors, have joined forces to provide refurbished bikes to refugees being hosted in Islington. You can donate money to the appealdonate a serviceable adult or child’s bike, or if you are a host or refugee, you can request a bike.