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Get involved in the local community

Find out how to contribute to your community in Islington including formal volunteering, participation in local community and resident groups, or as a charity trustee.


Islington’s voluntary and community sector (VCS) offers a wide range of volunteering opportunities that enable people to participate in their local community and develop new skills, knowledge and experience.

VCS organisations in Islington are always looking for volunteers to help out with a range of things including administration, IT, management and finance, trusteeship, befriending, event organising, fundraising, communications, marketing and campaigning.

Opportunities can be flexible ranging from a few hours on a one-off basis through to more regular and longer-term commitments.

Charity governance

VCS organisations are frequently looking for trustees. Being a trustee can allow you to gain experience and skills, increase your self-confidence, learn about management and strategy, give back to your local community, and work and meet interesting people from a diverse background. Trustee positions in the borough are advertised on VAI’s volunteering database and on the websites of local organisations.

Resident groups and community involvement

There are many different ways in which residents can form local community groups or associations to organise activities or respond to issues affecting the local community.

Climate change

Get involved in tackling climate change by joining a local group. You can either volunteer, share your knowledge or help develop community projects.


As a council housing resident you can choose to take responsibility for keeping up an individual flower bed, or you can combine with your neighbours to form a Residents Gardening Group to establish and run a community garden. It can either be a specific area of the communal grounds or the whole planted area on an estate and can include food-growing and decorative planting.

Please email to find out more information about these opportunities.

Recycling champions

If you are over 18 years old, living or working in the borough, you can volunteer to become a recycling champion to help increase recycling and fight climate change. If you are interested, please email and we will invite you to attend a welcome workshop.

Find out more about recycling champions.

Tenant and Resident Association

A Tenants and Residents Association (TRA) is formed by a group of residents living on an estate who come together to form an Association to make their area a better place to live in. 

A TRA gives residents more say in how their estate is managed and allows them to work with Islington Council to find solutions to problems affecting the area where they live. A TRA can also be a way to organise events and activities for all residents to enjoy and create a thriving community.

Find out more information on setting up a TRA and what is involved.

Community centre committees

The council is responsible for over 50 community centres, halls and tenant and resident association community flats throughout the borough. Find location and details of the centres.

We are always looking for committee members to be involved, please contact to find out more information.

Ward partnerships

Islington’s 16 ward partnerships are led by ward Councillors and give local residents, community groups and businesses the opportunity to have a voice to shape services and improve their neighbourhoods. Register your interest and find out about future meetings.

Charitable giving 

Islington Giving is an independent group of funders, businesses, residents and voluntary organisations working together to give their time and money to tackle poverty and inequality in Islington. If you would like to give to local groups, you can donate directly to Islington Giving. 100% of donations they receive goes directly to supporting the local community.