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Funding for voluntary and community organisations

Islington-based voluntary and community organisations can apply for a range of local and national funds and contracts. Find out about the range of funding support on offer.

Voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations working in Islington can apply to a range of local funds that are administered by the council or local grant giving charities.

Many VCS organisations are contracted by the council to deliver services for local residents.

Council funding

  • Voluntary and Community Sector Partnership Grants Programme 2024-2028
  • The council’s Local Initiatives Fund provides small grants for activities and improvements in Islington’s neighbourhoods.
  • Islington Council’s Community Chest is managed on behalf of the council by Cripplegate Foundation. Funding of up to £5,000 is available to community organisations that work with Islington residents and that have an annual turnover of less than £100,000. Priority is given to organisations that have an annual turnover of less than £50,000.
  • The Islington Community Festivals Fund provides small grants to a limited number of borough-wide community festivals to deliver community events and celebrations.
  • The Housing Community Development Team runs a Communities’ Support Fund for Islington Council estate-based resident groups to deliver projects and activities for Islington housing tenants. Residents can apply for funding up to £250. For details of how to apply please contact
  • Sport Islington assist sports clubs to promote sporting opportunities to Islington residents. Clubs can apply for up to £1000 (£1500 with ClubMark accreditation), and individual athletes can apply for a grant up to £500.
  • Islington Community Energy Fund provides grant money for innovative energy projects. 

Local funding

  • Cripplegate Foundation provides grants through its Main Grants and Development Partner Programmes.
  • Islington Giving provides grants to organisations tackling isolation, supporting families, and providing access to opportunities for young people.
  • Richard Cloudesley’s Charity awards grants for organisations working with Islington residents who are in financial need and in ill health and/or who are disabled. In addition, they award individual grants to residents and Church of England churches in Islington.
  • Richard Reeve’s Foundation support projects that empower young people through education and training. Their priorities are children's literacy and numeracy and supporting young people into jobs that offer the prospect of more rewarding lives.
  • The Morris Charitable Trust supports local community projects, emphasis is placed on alleviating social hardship and deprivation. The Trust tends to favour capital and ‘one-off’ projects, although consideration is occasionally given to other innovative charitable projects.
  • Arsenal Foundation supports local charities, projects and community groups in north London throughout the year with the overall aim of improving the lives of local people. The Arsenal Foundation is committed to transforming the lives of young people through a range of education and sport projects in the UK and overseas.
  • Gunners Fund supports local projects and good causes with small grants that can make a big difference to the lives of local people. The fund was launched in 2012 with the aim of supporting local projects and good causes in the boroughs of Islington, Camden and Hackney by offering smaller grants of up to £2,500 that can make a big difference to the community.


The council actively encourages VCS organisations to tender as part of its sustainability policy. Opportunities are listed on the council's free e-tendering system - London Tenders Portal (LTP).

VCS organisations interested in delivering council commissioned services can register with the LTP to receive email alerts when new contracts are published. You can also receive opportunities from other Councils that use the portal.

Funding Support and the Islington Funding Toolkit

Islington Funding Toolkit

Voluntary Action Islington and Islington Council have set up the Islington Funding Toolkit, which is a fully searchable database of local, regional, national and international funding opportunities for VCS organisations. You can also sign up for tailored funding bulletins so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities.

Fundraising Support

Voluntary Action Islington provide training and personalised fundraising support to voluntary organisations and community groups in Islington. They have a range of funding guidance available online and produce a regular funding booklet.

You can sign up to their e-news bulletins to receive voluntary sector news, including details about funding opportunities here.

Living Wage Funder Support

In 2016 Islington Council became a Living Wage Funder through the Living Wage Foundation. This means we seek to ensure that all voluntary and community sector organisations which are grant funded by Islington Council are paying London Living Wage to employees. Please find more information on how to become a Living Wage Employer on the website.

Data and Evidence for Funding Applications

The Evidence Hub is a managed through a partnership between Islington Council and the NHS. It brings together information held across different organisations and teams into one accessible place. It is designed to be used by all people looking for the evidence needed to ensure that local decisions are made based upon the needs of the local population. 


Crowdfunding is a method of getting finance by sourcing small amounts of money from a relatively large number of people, rather than getting large amounts from one or a few.

Crowdfunding allows individuals or organisations to source funds from anyone via a website or crowdfunding platform. Crowdfunding platforms host fundraisers’ pitches and facilitate the transfer of money directly from the funders to the fundraiser.

If you are interested in setting up a crowdfunding campaign, Voluntary Action Islington has information on various crowdfunding platforms in their funding booklet.