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Finding space

Find out how we support voluntary groups with affordable spaces in Islington.

The availability of council premises for rent by voluntary sector organisations is limited, however, from time to time, space does become available.

Finding a home for your organisation

Council premises

The availability of council premises for rent is limited. However, from time to time, space does become available for the voluntary sector.

If you are a VCS organisation looking for premises or office space in Islington, please e-mail partnerships team with your contact details.

We will inform you of any opportunities that become available.

Affordable workspace

As part of the council’s commitment to build a fairer, more inclusive Islington, we have developed a pioneering Affordable Workspace Strategy to create new workspaces that are genuinely accessible and affordable to local businesses and organisations.

Read more about this in our Business section.

Co-working/VCS landlords

Meeting spaces, training rooms and conference spaces

If you are in need of a meeting space, hall hire for one off events, training room or conference space. The following links may be helpful:

Council community centres

Council owned community centres can be booked for local community activities. There is a community rate for local groups and charities and some space may be able to be booked free of charge.

Islington libraries

Islington Libraries have a number of halls and meeting rooms available to hire for a variety of events.

Islington Assembly Hall

Islington Assembly Hall and the Council’s Arts Team run a scheme offering Islington-based community organisations the chance to hire the Islington Assembly Hall for free.

VCS Community Centres

Multi-Use Community Centres (Community Hubs) are managed independently by constituted voluntary sector groups. Most hubs provide hall hire.

Islington Youth Hubs

Lift and Rose Bowl youth hubs have a variety of rooms and halls available to hire to community organisations and local businesses. Free space is also available to young people between the ages of 16-25 working on their own creative projects.

Have a space to offer?

If your organisation has rooms to let, office space or co-working opportunities please contact us at We may be able to help you market this to the sector.