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Leaving the scheme

If you need to move from your hosted living, here's how to find and get help for renting a new home.

We encourage hosts and guests to try to sustain the hosting arrangement for as long as possible.

What to do if hosting will end

Both the sponsor and the Ukrainian national need to tell the council when the end date of the hosting arrangement will be, at least two months in advance. To let us know, email the Refugee and Migrant service at

For Ukrainian nationals

You do not need to stay with your host and can move out to another property or ask for help from council services.

If you cannot continue living with your sponsor, your sponsor must give you a reasonable notice period of when they expect you to move out. Government guidance says that sponsors should give their guests at least two months' notice. The notice is so that you have enough time to find another place to live. 

If your hosting arrangement ends, we can help you find your own private rented accommodation if you were hosted on the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Moving into private rented accommodation offers you the most choice in terms of cost, space, and any other requirements you may have and it will usually be the best option as a next step if you need to move off the scheme.