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EU citizens

Information and support to help you to continue to live and work in Islington if you are an EU citizen.

Over 51,000 European Union (EU) citizens and family members living in Islington have applied to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) and just under 48,000 residents have been granted either settled status or pre-settled status.

If you have been granted settled or pre-settled status

Waiting for a decision after applying

There may be a wait for a decision. Contact the EU settlement resolution centre if you have been waiting for a long time.

Find out more about the EU Settlement Scheme

EU citizens and their family members who were living in the UK before 31 December 2020 had to apply under the EUSS by 30 June 2021 to keep their residence rights. The scheme is still open to people:

  • who have missed the deadline, but only in certain circumstances  
  • joining close family members and future children of European Economic Area (EEA) nationals with settled or pre-settled status  
  • with pre-settled status who meet the five-year residence requirement and can switch to settled status.

Check the EUSS webpages on GOV.UK for further information. The NRPF Network also has a useful summary of the EUSS.  

If you are making a late application to the EUSS then we advise you to seek legal advice for help with the application.

Finding legal advice

There are local organisations that offer free, independent advice to residents applying for the scheme, especially those who are vulnerable or need additional support:

  • Citizens Advice Islington: call 030 0330 1197 to speak to an advisor or book an appointment to come in to 222 Upper Street, N1 1XR.
  • Islington Law Centre: may be able to assist with complex cases or support vulnerable residents to make applications.
  • Settled: provides free and reliable advice and guidance in different languages to EU citizens on the EUSS.

You can also use this list of organisations that have been funded by the Home Office to help people apply to the EUSS.

If you are accessing benefits or other services

Computer access or help to get online

You can visit Islington’s libraries where there is free Wi-Fi access. Library staff are on hand to offer help to get online or use online services. You can book an advice session with a member of staff if needed.

Assisted Digital support is available over the phone, at a local centre or in your home if you do not have the appropriate access, skills or confidence to complete the form. Find out more about Assisted Digital support on GOV.UK.

Identity (ID) verification

Find out more about the ‘EU Exit: ID Document Check’ app on GOV.UK if you want to use this service for the identity stage of your EUSS application. If you can't use the app, you can send your documents by post.