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Two people

Leader of Islington Council - Cllr Una O'Halloran

Find out more about Councillor Una O'Halloran, Leader of Islington Council

Una was elected as Leader in November 2024, she is also a Labour councillor for Caledonian ward.

Leader's role 

The Leader of the Council provides political leadership and works together with Executive Members to set out a vision for Islington and the strategic plans that will help the Council to achieve it.  

Within the role, the Leader has specific duties including: 

  • Political leadership: chairing the Executive and sharing collective responsibility for Executive decisions; acting as the principal political spokesperson for the Council; supporting, developing and managing members of the Executive. 
  • Corporate leadership: giving political direction to the Chief Executive, Directors and other officers; providing political leadership to the development and implementation of the Council’s Corporate Plan and Budget; working with officers to formulate and implement policy proposals. 
  • Partnership and community leadership: acting as an advocate for the local community and a spokesperson for residents; promoting Council priorities; building cross-borough links that progress the Council’s objectives; representing the Council and contributing to London-wide, national and international bodies/forums to promote Islington’s interests. 
  • Reporting and accountability: reporting to full Council, Executive, scrutiny, regulatory bodies and stakeholders as appropriate. 
  • Governance, ethical standards and relationships: promoting and supporting good governance of the Council, open and transparent government, respectful and effective relationships with officers, and adhering to the code of conduct. 

About Una 

Cllr O’Halloran has represented Caledonian ward since 2014 and served as the Mayor of Islington in 2017/18. She became Executive Member for Community Development in 2019, before taking on her previous post as the Executive Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods in 2020.  

A regular volunteer at a local soup kitchen, Cllr O’Halloran was also a school governor for more than 20 years, and is very active in her local church, St Mary Moorfields.  


Contact Una

All councillors hold regular advice surgeries for residents - for more information about how to contact Una, please see our Democracy website.

How to contact Una