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Two people

How decisions are made

Find out more the decision-making process and the political make-up of the council.

The people of Islington are represented by 51 locally elected councillors. Three councillors are elected to represent each of the borough’s 17 wards or areas and serve a four-year term. Councillors represent the interests of the borough’s residents and make decisions about local services on behalf of local people.

The current political representation of the council is:

  • Labour: 44
  • Green: 3
  • Independent: 4

The Leader of the council is elected every four years by the political group with the majority of seats on the council. All councillors are involved in making decisions at full council, but some councillors have more specific decision-making roles, this includes the Executive and councillors who serve on council committees. 

The Executive

The Leader forms an Executive, made up of councillors each with a portfolio of services to oversee. There are currently eight Executive members, including the Leader. 

They meet at least ten times a year and are accountable to the people of Islington. To find out who makes up the Executive and more visit the Democracy webpages.

Full council

All councillors meet at various times of the year as full council. Council has certain powers of its own which include:

  • appointing committees
  • adopting and amending the council's policy and budget framework
  • setting the council's annual budget and agreeing the level of council tax.


Councillors also serve on various committees of the council. Membership is usually decided at the annual general meeting of full council.


The day to day management of the council and its services is carried out by the Corporate Management Board, consisting of the Chief Executive and eight Corporate Directors for:

  • Health and Social Care
  • Children and Young People
  • Communities, Strategy and Change
  • Community Wealth Building
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Homes and Neighbourhoods
  • Resources

The board carry out decisions under the direction and control of the Council, the Executive and relevant committees. Find out more about the council’s departments and services.