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Ward boundary changes 2022

Islington’s ward boundaries changed on 5 May 2022 

A review by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) in 2019 recommended that there should be new electoral arrangements for Islington Council.   

The LGBCE recommended that Islington should have 51 councillors representing 17 wards. The boundaries of wards in Islington changed to ensure electoral equality. Electoral equality is achieved when every councillor represents roughly the same number of electors.  

What has changed?  

The number of wards in Islington increased by one to 17. Each ward has three councillors, so Islington Council comprises 51 councillors, three more than previously. 

All wards in the borough are affected in some way – most have changed slightly to the previous boundary, and many have new names to reflect these changes. 

These changes came into effect at the local election on Thursday 5 May 2022. This means you may find that you are in a different ward or it has changed name.

More information 

Read up more about the LGBCE's review and recommendations and to see new ward maps.

Visit the LGBCE website

Map of ward boundary changes 5 May 2022

 Map of new ward boundaries in Islington from 5 May 2022

View a more detailed version of the map

You can explore an interactive map of the new ward boundaries. On this map, you can view polling places and polling districts within the new ward boundaries by selecting 'democracy' in the menu, and checking the boxes next to 'polling districts' and 'polling stations'.