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Junction Ward election results 2014

These are historical election results. For past and current election results:

The Councillors elected:

Councillor Party Number of votes
Janet Burgess Labour 2,228
Kaya Makarau Schwartz Labour 1,938
Tim Nicholls Labour 1,779

The candidates who ran for election:

Name of candidate Party Number of votes
Riddhi Bhalla Conservative 320
Janet Burgess Labour 2,228
Michael Collins Conservative 361
Giorgia Gamba Liberal Democrats 297
Mick Holloway Green 717
Daniel Hudson Green 621
Stefan Antoni Kasprzyk Liberal Democrats 333
Kaya Makarau Schwartz Labour 1,938
Bill Martin The Socialist (GB) 90
Tim Nicholls Labour 1,779
Jill Renwick Green 720
Victoria Savvides Liberal Democrats 245
Oliver Peter Jonathan Conservative 314