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Please find published below the results for Clerkenwell ward.

Winning candidates:

Candidate name Party Votes
 MACKMURDIE Ben  Labour  1568
 WOODBYRNE Kadeema  Labour  1487
 NATHAN Matt  Labour  1471
Candidate name  Party Votes
BALMFORD Walter The Conservative Party   356
BONE Simon The Conservative Party 372 
GRAYLING Laura The Conservative Party   376
HESTBAEK Cecilie Green Party   310
LUDFORD Baroness Sarah Ludford of Clerkenwell Liberal Democrat  479
MACKMURDIE Ben Labour Party  1568
MCDOUGALL Catriona Eilish Liberal Democrat  409
MUHAMMED Alan Shan Liberal Democrat  355
NATHAN Matt Labour Party  1471
PERFITT Miranda Green Party   267
SONNENSCHEIN Rosemary Green Party   358
WHITMORE Charlotte Ann UKIP  81
WOODBYRNE Kadeema  Labour Party  1487