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2010 General Election results

Islington North

Election of a a Member of Parliament for the Islington North constituency. Declaration of Result of Poll.

I, the undersigned, being the Returning Officer at the Election of a Member of Parliament for the Islington North constituency, held on the 6th day of May 2010, do hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded for each candidate at the said election is as follows:

Candidate's surname Other name(s) Description Number of votes
BERRILL-COX Adrian Leigh The Conservative Party Candidate 6339
CORBYN Jeremy Bernard The Labour Party Candidate 24276
DIXON Emma Louise Green Party 1348
JAMIESON-BALL Rhodri Iain Liberal Democrats 11,875
LENNON Dominic Joseph UK Independence Party 716

The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:

  • Want of an official mark: 0
  • voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to: 56
  • writing or mark by which voter could be identified: 0
  • unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty: 78
  • Total: 44,688

The total number of votes recorded represented 65.62% of the registered electors.

And I do hereby declare that the said: Jeremy Bernard Corbyn is duly elected Member of Parliament for the said constituency.

Dated: 7 May 2010

Signed: John Foster (Returning Officer)

Correction to verification figure for the Parliamentary Election to the Islington North Constituency

The total verified ballot papers announced earlier today, Friday 7 May, was inaccurate and has subsequently been corrected from 43,654 to 44,688. This changes the turnout figure for that constituency from 64.1% to 65.62%. This does not affect the accuracy of the calculation of the votes cast for the individual candidates nor the outcome of the election.

Islington South & Finsbury

Election of a Member of Parliament for the Islington South & Finsbury constituency. Declaration of Result of Poll.

I, the undersigned, being the Returning Officer at the Election of a Member of Parliament for the Islington South & Finsbury constituency, held on the 6th day of May 2010, do hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded for each candidate at the said election is as follows:

Candidate's surname Other name(s) Description
Number of votes
COX Antonia Mary The Conservative Party Candidate 8449
DEBOO Richard James Animals Count 149
DODDS John English Democrats - "Putting England First!" 301
FOX Bridget Caroline Liberal Democrats 14,838
HUMPHREYS James William Green Party 710
MCDONALD Rose-Marie UK Independence Party 701
THORNBERRY Emily The Labour Party Candidate 18,407

The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:

  • Want of an official mark: 0
  • voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to: 72
  • writing or mark by which voter could be identified: 0
  • unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty: 98
  • Total: 43,725

The total number of votes recorded represented 64.62%. of the registered electors.

And I do hereby declare that the said: Emily Thornberry is duly elected Member of Parliament for the said constituency.

Dated: 7 May 2010

Signed: John Foster (Returning Officer)