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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health problems are very common, affecting approximately one in four adults every year and one in ten children or young people at any time. Mental health problems include conditions such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, schizophrenia and dementia. Together they account for the single largest source of disability and ill health in the UK. Suicide is a leading cause of death in both men and women and younger and middle aged age groups.

Mental illness has an impact on every aspect of life, including physical health and risk behaviour, and there are large personal, social and economic costs associated with mental illness.

National and local strategies emphasize that good mental health is about more than absence of mental illness. It also includes issues of wellbeing, self-esteem and social inclusion. Furthermore people with mental health problems often face stigma and discrimination which can delay people seeking help and their recovery.

Islington has much higher levels of mental ill health than elsewhere because the borough has relatively more high-need groups, including younger and middle-aged adults. This is why promoting positive mental health and wellbeing is so important at this time as well providing access to timely and appropriate services.

You can find out more about mental health support in Islington on our website.

Suicide Prevention Strategy

Islington and Camden continue to work hand in hand with our voluntary, health and community partners to provide suicide prevention information, advice and support to help people identify early signs and risk factors, prevent suicide and to continue to build both individual and community resilience.

Our plans to achieve our goals have been captured in the Camden and Islington Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan 2022- 2027.

Camden and Islington Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan 2022- 2027