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Long term conditions

A long term condition is an illness which cannot currently be cured, but can be controlled and managed by medication, other therapies, and the adoption of healthier behaviours and other self-management techniques.

In Islington, one-in-six adults aged between 18 and 74 years has a diagnosed long term condition (about 28,000 adults in total). One-third of these have more than one condition, which highlights the importance of joined-up care. There are also large numbers of people living with undiagnosed long term conditions.

High blood pressure is the most common long term condition in Islington, accounting for half of all diagnoses, followed by diabetes and chronic depression. Improving earlier diagnosis, management and control of long term conditions are key to improving health outcomes by preventing disease progression, deterioration and the development of co-morbidities (other conditions).

The documents on this page give information and evidence on specific long term conditions, including how common they are in Islington's population.