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Islington Integrated Gangs Team Privacy Notice

Our Integrated Teams (IGT) works in partnership to support those involved in group offending and serious youth violence or those on the periphery of gangs by way of prevention, diversion and, where necessary, enforcement.

IGT works with individuals and communities by treating violence as a preventable issue. It seeks to avert violence by diverting those who are at risk of becoming either a victim or perpetrator and supporting those already involved in group offending to exit their lifestyle and, where necessary, enforcing against those who commit violent crimes and pose a risk to others. By working with individuals, families and the wider community, the IGT identifies ways in which to reduce violence and create a safer Islington for everyone.

What we do

IGT brings together the police, council, and other strategic partners to divert people at risk away from gangs and serious youth violence. IGT brings key professionals from a broad range of organisations to work together in the same place with the shared aim of tackling gang-related violence and to support young people, adults and their families. Through a balanced approach, we can help create a safer community for local people and keep them out of the criminal justice system.

Collecting, holding and using your information

The information we may collect about you could include, but is not limited to:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • address and post code
  • contact details (phone, mobile, email)
  • NHS number
  • NI number
  • other ID numbers
  • family details
  • lifestyle and social circumstances
  • case file information
  • financial information.

We may ask you for special category data, where required and appropriate. This could include, but is not limited to:

  • racial or ethnic origin
  • physical and mental health details
  • religious beliefs
  • social care support outcomes
  • sexual orientation.

We also process data about criminal convictions, criminal offenses or relevant security measures.

We use your personal information to ensure that we meet all of our legal and statutory duties including, but not limited to, those which apply under the following legislation and/or contractual agreements:

  • Crime and Disorder Act 1998
  • Criminal Justice and Courts Service Act 2000
  • Offender Management Act 2007
  • Children’s Act 1989 and 2004
  • Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

We may also use your data

  • for service delivery
  • for service planning, training and improvement 
  • for financial processing
  • to prevent and detect crime and fraud
  • for historical and statistical research.

Call recording

Any personal information recorded during telephone conversations may be stored on the system for a fixed period, after which it is securely deleted.

Legal reasons allowing our use of your data

We only collect and use IGT personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we process it where

  • we need to comply with a legal obligation and/or
  • we need it to perform an official task in the public interest.

We may also process IGT personal data

  • where we need to protect the individual’s vital interests (or someone else’s interests)
  • for legal claims or judicial acts
  • where we have obtained consent to use it in a certain way.

Where we have obtained consent to process personal data, this consent can be withdrawn at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn.

Agencies with which we might share your information

  • Other council services
  • NHS agencies (GPs, hospitals)
  • Police
  • London National Probation Service
  • London Community Rehabilitation Service
  • Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • UK Border Agency
  • Victim Support
  • Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service
  • Commissioned services


Unless specified in the legislation cited above or stated in the council’s Retention Schedule, data will be deleted in line with the Limitation Act 1980 (Section 2).


Please see the council’s main privacy notice for details about your rights and who to contact about the use of your personal data.

If you are dissatisfied with the service you have been provided and have exhausted the council’s corporate complaints process, you can refer any complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman. Read more details of how to complain.