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Members' Allowances

Every councillor is entitled to a basic allowance each year.

There are also special responsibility allowances for certain roles such as acting as leader or deputy leader of a political group within the authority, or presiding at meetings of a committee or a sub-committee of the authority.

Our Members’ Allowances Scheme is set out in Part 7 of the Council’s Constitution. The Scheme sets out the amount of Basic and Special Responsibility Allowances paid to members together with what members can claim for in respect of Dependent Carers’ Allowance, travel and subsistence and broadband expenses. 

Each local authority is required to take into account the recommendations of an Independent Remuneration Panel both in setting up their scheme and with respect to the amounts and levels payable to members. 

The most recent annual statutory adverts, which set out how much has been paid and claimed by each member, can be viewed by searching our public records library (select the 'Documents' tab).

Search Members' Allowance advertisements