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Challenging Inequality

Islington Council is committed to challenging inequality, racism and injustice in the borough, and to making our community, our services and our workplace fairer for everyone.

This means a borough that is safe for everyone to live and work in, provides the best possible start in life, so that everyone growing up in Islington can prosper, and a place where we listen to our communities’ concerns and act on them. 

Our new Challenging Inequality programme sets out how we will achieve this. Initial commitments include: 

  • Work with partners to ensure we are collectively tackling racism, inequality and injustice 
  • Ensuring our Covid-19 recovery plans focus on supporting Black and ethnic minority communities and other disadvantaged groups 
  • Working with the Police to understand the reasons for the high rates of stop and search for the Black community and what we can do to address this
  • Investigating the history and origins of all statues, artworks and heritage plaques across the borough to ensure they do not represent issues and events which  go against Islington’s long history of equality and fairness 
  • Working with schools to ensure the curriculum highlights issues of racism, inequality and injustice and is honest about the role of Britain in history 
  • Ensuring we lead the way as an exemplar employer tackling issues around recruitment and selection, staff development and making sure we have a representative workforce at all levels of the organisation
  •  Creating forums for the community and our staff to engage with, and be at the heart of, our work to challenge inequality

We will continue to develop our plans with staff, partners and the community. You can read further detail on our initial commitments to tackling inequality here

If you have any thoughts on how we can tackle inequality, please get in touch by emailing