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Our approach

This strategy sets out clear and measurable actions to tangibly improve equality, diversity and inclusion through our capacity in three key areas: Islington as a strategic leader, Islington as an employer and Islington as a service provider and commissioner.

For each action in the plan we want to answer four key questions in order to ensure that we are able to focus on outcomes and make a real difference:

  • What is the inequality/issue are we trying to tackle?
  • What action are we going to take?
  • What outcome are we hoping to achieve?
  • How will we know we have made an impact?

This strategy is the starting point of a phased approach. Our initial focus on racial inequality gives us a solid platform to build on wider work to challenge inequality and discrimination. Our goals will continue to evolve. In the second phase from February into summer 2021, we will work with our Disabled Staff, LGBTQ+ and Women’s Forums to develop further actions around protected and disadvantaged groups and present an updated version of this plan.

The next sections of this report set out some of the main actions in each of the three key areas. The Outcomes Framework found in the online appendix gives an expanded view of our plans for 2021 and how we will measure their impact.