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Governance and monitoring

Transparency, accountability and openness are key parts of our commitment to challenging inequality, racism and injustice.

Continuing the ongoing process of quality dialogue and co-production which has informed our programme is essential to ensure our actions are tackling inequality in a meaningful, sustainable and effective way.

Islington Council has created forums for staff, partners and the community to shape, monitor and challenge our progress. This Challenging Inequality strategy will be subject to ongoing review by these groups and updated to reflect changes in needs, evidence or new strategies:

  • The Challenging Inequality Programme Board has oversight of the implementation of the action plan and provides challenge, assurance and advice. The Board is made up of council directors and leads from each service area who are responsible for the development of individual action plans and will report to the Board on performance and progress.
  • Staff Networks including the Race Equality Staff Network, Disabled Staff Forum, LGBT+ Network, Women’s Forum and the Carers Forum. The Challenging Inequality Staff Network brings together members from existing staff networks, including the LGBTQ+, Disability Network, Race Equality Network, Women’s and Carers networks.
  • The Race Equality Working Group provides a forum for elected members to provide strategic leadership and have oversight of the challenging inequality, racism and injustice programme.
  • The Challenging Inequality Coalition provides the community voice and challenge to the programme. The Coalition represents a diverse range of community groups and will be chaired by a community representative. They meet every six to eight weeks to provide a platform to discuss and deliver on different
    equalities issues.
  • The Challenging Inequality Partners Working Group is a forum for partnership working for a variety of organisations and institutions, including representatives from Healthwatch, NCL CCG, Camden and Islington NHS Trust, City and London Metropolitan University.
Progress will be monitored by the Challenging Inequality Programme Board and will be reported publicly and refreshed via an annual stocktake.